Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Nov-2022Holistic documentation of Cypriot ceramic zoomorphic rhyta dating to the Hellenistic PeriodEfstathiou, Kyriakos ; Georgiou, Rafaella ; Nikidiotis, Thomas ; Ioannides, Marinos ; Ganetsos, Theodore ; Romantzi, Konstantina ; Papoytsidakis, Michail ; Ioannou, L. ; Kyriakou, M. ; Hadjichristodoulou, Christos ; Siegkas, Petros 
223-Jun-2021Integrated cad and reverse engineering to enhance conception and designButt, Ahmed Tamkin ; Siegkas, Petros 
321-Jun-2021Introduction to industrial design and product case studiesSiegkas, Petros 
48-Jun-2020Reverse engineering and introduction to engineering designSiegkas, Petros