Solakis, Konstantinos (rp18366)
Solakis, Konstantinos
Σολάκης, Κωνσταντίνος
Dr Konstantinos Solakis works as a Special Educational Staff at the Cyprus University of Technology in Limassol. He holds a PhD in Tourism Marketing and Management from the University of Seville with the highest praise (summa cum laude). He holds a master's degree in Adult Education (MEd, Hellenic Open University) and Leisure Management (MA, University of Sheffield). His bachelor degree is in Tourism Management (BA, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki). His research interests focus on Service-Dominant Logic, Value Co-Creation, Sharing Economy and Tourism Marketing. His work has been published in top-tier scientific journals in the field, and he is a member of editorial teams of scientific journals. He has been involved as an evaluator of various European funded projects and has actively participated as a research team member in a number of them. He is also a member of the Marketing, Innovation, Tourism and Sustainability (MITS) Research Group at the University of Seville.