
Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
11-Jan-2023Interpreting biomonitoring data: Introducing the international human biomonitoring (i-HBM) working group's health-based guidance value (HB2GV) dashboardNakayama, Shoji F ; St-Amand, Annie ; Pollock, Tyler ; Apel, Petra ; Bamai, Yu Ait ; Barr, Dana Boyd ; Bessems, Jos ; Calafat, Antonia M ; Castaño, Argelia ; Covaci, Adrian ; Duca, Radu Corneliu ; Faure, Sarah ; Galea, Karen S. ; Hays, Sean ; Hopf, Nancy B ; Ito, Yuki ; Jeddi, Maryam Zare ; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike ; Kumar, Eva ; LaKind, Judy S ; López, Marta Esteban ; Louro, Henriqueta ; Macey, Kristin ; Makris, Konstantinos C. ; Melnyk, Lisa ; Murawski, Aline ; Naiman, Josh ; Nassif, Julianne ; Noisel, Nolwenn ; Poddalgoda, Devika ; Quirós-Alcalá, Lesliam ; Rafiee, Ata ; Rambaud, Loïc ; Silva, Maria João ; Ueyama, Jun ; Verner, Marc-Andre ; Waras, Maisarah Nasution ; Werry, Kate 
21-Dec-2021Stakeholders' perceptions of environmental and public health risks associated with hydrocarbon activities in and around the vasilikos energy center, cyprusKleovoulou, Eleni G. ; Konstantinou, Corina ; Constantinou, Andria ; Kuijpers, Eelco ; Loh, Miranda M. ; Galea, Karen S. ; Stierum, Rob ; Pronk, Anjoeka ; Makris, Konstantinos C. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 
31-Nov-2021A Scoping Review of Technologies and Their Applicability for Exposome-Based Risk Assessment in the Oil and Gas IndustryKuijpers, Eelco ; Van Wel, Luuk ; Loh, Miranda M. ; Galea, Karen S. ; Makris, Konstantinos C. ; Stierum, Rob ; Fransman, Wouter ; Pronk, Anjoeka Annals of Work Exposures and Health 
4Jan-2021Exposome-based public health interventions for infectious diseases in urban settingsAndrianou, Xanthi ; Pronk, Anjoeka ; Galea, Karen S. ; Stierum, Rob ; Loh, Miranda M. ; Riccardo, Flavia ; Pezzotti, Patrizio ; Makris, Konstantinos C. Environment International