Αποτελέσματα για 1-20 από 23.

Ημερομηνία ΈκδοσηςΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέας
14-Φεβ-2022Leaflet for the ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence and the EXCELSIOR H2020 Teaming Project meet the key stakeholders within the EMMENA region.EXCELSIOR 
2Δεκ-2021Invited Talk "Use of satellite and model data to identify the onset of Ostreopsis ovata harmful algal bloom in the Ligurian Sea" by Dr. Chiara LapucciEXCELSIOR 
317-Νοε-2021GIS Day for EXCELSIOR: Presentation by Prof. Marinos KavourasEXCELSIOR 
410-Νοε-2021Συμμέτοχοι στο Κέντρο Αριστείας ΕΡΑΤΟΣΘΕΝΗΣ ως ενδιαφερόμενα μέλη και κοινωνικοί εταίροιEXCELSIOR 
52-Νοε-2021"Developing tools for marine plastics monitoring" by Ms Els KnaepsEXCELSIOR 
6Νοε-2021GIS Day for EXCELSIOR: Δυνατότητες και εφαρμογές των Γεωγραφικών Συστημάτων Πληροφοριών ArcGISEXCELSIOR 
726-Oct-2021Invited talk: "Spatial Decision Support Tool for Monitoring and Forecasting Soil Water Requirements" by Ms Mary Grace GascoEXCELSIOR 
812-Oct-2021Invited Talk "EO based information for the public and the private sector / Today and the future" by Mr Stelios BollanosEXCELSIOR 
923-Jun-2021Invited Talk "Developing quantitative InSAR tools for environmental monitoring"EXCELSIOR 
1015-Jun-2021EXCELSIOR Webinar: Water Resources ManagementEXCELSIOR 
118-Jun-2021Leaflet for Second Virtual EXCELSIOR Workshop: "Atmospheric & Climate Research in the EMMENA Region"EXCELSIOR 
1231-Mar-2021Remote Sensing, Land Use/Land Cover Data and Example of Their Harmonisation by Lena HalounovaEXCELSIOR 
1326-Feb-2021Invited Talk "Applications in Flood Risk Assessment - Rainfall-runoff estimation and forecasting using novel technologies in the Mediterranean Region"EXCELSIOR 
1410-Dec-2020Invited Talk "The science of Meteorology and Remote Sensing Applications"EXCELSIOR 
153-Dec-2020Invited Talk "Landslide susceptibility mapping using satellite radar interferometry"EXCELSIOR 
1617-Nov-2020Newsletter no.2 2020EXCELSIOR 
1716-Nov-2020Invited Talk "Cities and Climate Change"EXCELSIOR 
1815-Jul-2020Workshop "Space Operations and Environment Monitoring in Cyprus"EXCELSIOR 
1929-Jun-2020Newsletter no.1 2020EXCELSIOR 
209-Mar-2020Leaflet for Seminar for MSc, PhD students and Researchers "Ground-based remote sensing of aerosol and clouds: Lidar and radar measurements of climate-relevant processes in the atmosphere."EXCELSIOR