Şendir, Merdiye (rp14865)
Şendir, Merdiye
Professor Merdiye Şendir is Dean of Hamidiye Faculty of Nursing at University of Health Sciences, in Istanbul, Turkey. She has devoted the past thirty years to Nursing Education, and with ten years focus on simulation-based learning and nursing informatics. Also, Professor Şendir has a clinical background in operating room nursing and as a supervisor nurse. She is passionate about the integration of the best clinical skills education into the undergraduate-nursing curriculum. She has worked nationally and internationally on the furtherance of the use of simulation in nursing education. Professor Şendir is also board member in both the Medical Simulation Association and Association of Clinical Simulation in Nursing. (TURKEY). She took responsibility for education in numerous to courses and seminars related to simulation in nursing education, nursing informatics and health care technology. Professor Şendir has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals and has presented papers at national and international professional conferences on nursing specialty related topics.