Lycourghiotis, Alexis S. (rp14228)


Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Jun-2012Effect of Pressure and Temperature on Alcoholic Fermentation by Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Immobilized on Gamma-alumina PelletsGalanakis, Charis M. ; Kordulis, Christos ; Kanellaki, Maria ; Koutinas, Athanasios A. ; Bekatorou, Argyro ; Lycourghiotis, Alexis S. 
21-Mar-2008Benzene hydrogenation over ni/ai2O3 catalysts prepared by conventional and sol-gel techniquesGoundani, Katerina ; Vakros, John ; Savva, Petros G. ; Bourikas, Kyriakos ; Fountzoula, Ch. ; Vattis, Dimitris K. ; Lycourghiotis, Alexis S. ; Kordulis, Christos