
Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
12021Buckling and postbuckling of architectured materials: A review of methods for lattice structures and metal foamsVöllmecke, Christina ; Todt, Melanie ; Yiatros, Stylianos Composites and Advanced Materials 
2Aug-2013Modeling of interactive buckling in sandwich struts with functionally graded coresWadee, M. Ahmer ; Völlmecke, Christina ; Yiatros, Stylianos Journal of Engineering Mechanics 
328-Apr-2012Geometric modelling of kink banding in laminated structuresWadee, M. Ahmer ; Völlmecke, Christina ; Haley, Joseph ; Yiatros, Stylianos Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London