Koutsomichalis, Marinos (rp12779)
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Koutsomichalis, Marinos
Κουτσομιχάλης, Μαρίνος
Creative Works
Αποτελέσματα για 1-9 από 9.
Title | Brief description | Academic year |
Interrogations for Solo Serge | Experimental music album - digital release. https://marinoskoutsomichalis.bandcamp.com/album/interrogations-for-solo-serge | 2020-2021 |
Weierstrass function, finite state automata, and l-system | Exhibition of audio work "Weierstrass function, finite state automata, and l-system" at the "Audiosphere Sound Experimentation 1980-2020" group exhibition hosted at the National Museum Reina Sofia in Madrid ES, October 14 2020 - January 11 2021 https://www.museoreinasofia.es/en/exhibitions/audiosphere | 2018-2019 |
Hyperstition Bot (Or, An Evolutionary Machine Appropriating Human Culture) | Participation in Group Exhibition 'Children of Prometheus Group Exhibition' at the 'NeMe Arts Center' in Limassol, CY, curated by Furtherfield (London, UK). https://www.furtherfield.org/children-of-prometheus-at-neme-cyprus-2019/ | 2019-2020 |
Malformed Information Forest | A series of contingent computational 3D structures, generated from the exhibition's curatorial texts or excerpts thereof, and employing Natural Language Understanding, generative solid synthesis and 3D data retrieved algorithically over the WWW. Presented at Ars Electronica Garden Nicosia WADS (↑ ← → ↓): https://ars.electronica.art/keplersgardens/en/wads/ | 2019-2020 |
Objektivisering | Objektivisering is an experimental system for the computational modeling of generative 3D-printable models. Exhibited at: Tangible, embedded, and embodied interactions 2018 in Stockholm, SE: https://tei.acm.org/2018/arts-exhibition/ | 2018-2019 |
AlgoNoiseOrchestra performance | Participation with 'AlgoNoiseOrchestra' (Julien Ottavi, Jenny Pickett, Marinos Koutsomichalis, Babis Venetis, Maite Cajaraville, Gisle Frøysland) in Østre performance space, for Piksel festival. Bergen, Norway. | 2021-2022 |
AlgoNoiseOrchestra Nantes performance | Participation with 'AlgoNoiseOrchestra' (Julien Ottavi, Jenny Pickett, Marinos Koutsomichalis, Babis Venetis) for 'Filiason #17 - soirée de musique nouvelle et décalé' festival, at 'Les Ateliers de Bitche', Nantes, FR and Online. | 2021-2022 |
SuperCollider in concert performance | A networked improvised music performance by Marinos Koutsomichalis, Scott Wilson, Carl Testa, Marcin Piotr Paczkowski. CODEFEST, co-organised by University of Turin and codexpo. | 2021-2022 |
Pandemic Glissandi | Exhibition at the Athens Digital Arts Festival. Online. | 2021-2022 |