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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Nov-2009A Time-Varying Radiometric Bias Correction for the TRMM Microwave ImagerGopalan, Kaushik ; Jones, W. Linwood ; Biswas, Sayak K. ; Bilanow, Stephen ; Wilheit, Thomas T. ; Kasparis, Takis 
231-Mar-2009Two Approaches for Inter-Satellite Radiometer Calibrations between TMI and WindSatHong, Liang ; Jones, Linwood W. ; Wilheit, Thomas T. ; Kasparis, Takis 
3Jul-2008Inter-Satellite Radiometer Calibration of WindSat, TMI and SSMIGopalan, Kaushik ; Jones, Linwood W. ; Kasparis, Takis ; Wilheit, Thomas T.