
Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
112-Feb-2019Influence of Water on the Performance of Organic Electrochemical TransistorsSavva, Achilleas ; Cendra, Camila ; Giugni, Andrea ; Torre, Bruno ; Surgailis, Jokubas ; Ohayon, David ; Giovannitti, Alexander ; McCulloch, Iain ; Di Fabrizio, Enzo ; Salleo, Alberto ; Rivnay, Jonathan ; Inal, Sahika Chemistry of Materials 
222-Jun-2018Direct metabolite detection with an n-type accumulation mode organic electrochemical transistorPappa, Anna Maria ; Ohayon, David ; Giovannitti, Alexander ; Maria, Iuliana Petruta ; Savva, Achilleas ; Uguz, Ilke ; Rivnay, Jonathan ; McCulloch, Iain ; Owens, Róisín M ; Inal, Sahika Science Advances