Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.039 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Dec-2014Analysis of smart piezo-magneto-thermo-elastic composite and reinforced plates: Part I - Model developmentHadjiloizi, Demetra ; Kalamkarov, A. L. ; Metti, Ch ; Georgiades, Tasos 
2Dec-2014Analysis of Smart Piezo-magneto-thermo-elastic composite and reinforced plates: Part II - ApplicationsHadjiloizi, Demetra ; Kalamkarov, A. L. ; Metti, Ch ; Georgiades, Tasos 
3May-2013Micromechanical modeling of piezo-magneto-thermo-elastic composite structures: part I - TheoryJothi, Sathiskumar ; Georgiades, Tasos ; Hadjiloizi, Demetra ; Kalamkarov, A. L. 
41-Jan-2013Analytical and numerical modeling for 3D smart orthotropic grid-reinforced composite structuresHassan, E. M. ; Kalamkarov, A. L. ; Georgiades, Tasos 
5Jul-2012Dynamic Modeling and Determination of Effective Properties of Smart Composite Plates with Rapidly Varying ThicknessHadjiloizi, Demetra ; Georgiades, Tasos ; Kalamkarov, A. L. 
61-Apr-2007Asymptotic homogenization model for three-dimensional network reinforced composite structuresChallagulla, Krishna S. ; Georgiades, Tasos ; Kalamkarov, A. L.