Results 21-40 of 58 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
212021Aura, thanatoplaces, and the construction of thanatourism emotionsChristou, Prokopis A. ; Drotarova, Maria Hadjielia 
222021Senior entrepreneurship in tourist placesFarmaki, Anna ; Hadjielias, Elias ; Christou, Prokopis A. 
232021Sharing economy: peer-to-peer accommodation as a foucauldian heterotopiaFarmaki, Anna ; Stergiou, Dimitrios P. ; Christou, Prokopis A. 
242021Silence, sounds and the well-being of tourism entrepreneurs in noisy tourism workplacesChristou, Prokopis A. ; Hadjielias, Elias ; Farmaki, Anna 
252-Dec-2020Senior Entrepreneurs in Tourism CitiesFarmaki, Anna ; Hadjielias, Elias ; Christou, Prokopis A. 
2613-Nov-2020Tourists’ perceptions regarding the use of anthropomorphic robots in tourism and hospitalityChristou, Prokopis A. ; Simillidou, Aspasia ; Stylianou, Maria C. 
271-Nov-2020Philosophies of Hospitality and Tourism: Giving and ReceivingChristou, Prokopis A. 
28Jun-2020Travel selfies on social networks, narcissism and the “attraction-shading effect”Christou, Prokopis A. ; Farmaki, Anna ; Saveriades, Alexis ; Georgiou, Marios 
293-Mar-2020Tourism experiences as the remedy to nostalgia: conceptualizing the nostalgia and tourism nexusChristou, Prokopis A. 
30Mar-2020Neoteny: The paedomorphosis of destinationsChristou, Prokopis A. 
31Mar-2020Tourist experience: The catalyst role of tourism in comforting melancholy, or notChristou, Prokopis A. ; Simillidou, Aspasia 
3213-Jan-2020Religion and entrepreneurship in hospitality and tourismFarmaki, Anna ; Altinay, Levent ; Christou, Prokopis A. ; Kenebayeva, Ainur 
33Jan-2020A Lefebvrian analysis of Airbnb spaceFarmaki, Anna ; Christou, Prokopis A. ; Saveriades, Alexis 
34Jan-2020Place disbelief : A tourism-experiential perspectiveChristou, Prokopis A. 
352020Einstein’s theory of relativity informing research relating to social sciences, tourism and the tourist experienceChristou, Prokopis A. 
3613-Dec-2019CSR value co-creation: Hotel employee perspectivesFarmaki, Anna ; Christou, Prokopis A. 
3720-Sep-2019Travel selfies underpinning narcissism?Saveriades, Alexis ; Christou, Prokopis A. ; Farmaki, Anna ; Georgiou, Marios 
38Sep-2019Reconnaissance of philanthropyChristou, Prokopis A. ; Hadjielias, Elias ; Farmaki, Anna 
39Jul-2019Utopia as a reinforcement of tourist experiencesChristou, Prokopis A. ; Farmaki, Anna 
4028-Jun-2019Host and Guest Encounters in Peer-to-Peer Accommodation: Insights from Airbnb HostsSaveriades, Alexis ; Christou, Prokopis A. ; Farmaki, Anna