
Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Sep-2013Towards persuasive sociometric technologies for inclusive educational settingsLyra, Olga ; Karapanos, Evangelos ; Gouveia, Rúben ; Barreto, Mary L. ; Nisi, Valentina ; Nunes, Nuno J. ; Zimmerman, John ; Forlizzi, Jodi 
2Aug-2013Playing for the planet: designing toys that foster sustainable valuesBarreto, Mary L. ; Scott, Michelle ; Oakley, Ian ; Karapanos, Evangelos ; Nunes, Nuno J. ; Gomes, Sofia ; Gomes, Joana 
3Jun-2013Engaging children in longitudinal behavioral studies through playful technologiesLyra, Olga ; Karapanos, Evangelos ; Gouveia, Rúben ; Nisi, Valentina ; Nunes, Nuno J.