
Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
119-May-2023Cancer Prevention Literacy among Different Population Subgroups: Challenges and Enabling Factors for Adopting and Complying with Cancer Prevention RecommendationsSharp, Lena ; Dodlek, Nikolina ; Willis, Diane ; Leppänen, Arja ; Ullgren, Helena International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 
2Oct-2018A scoping review of trials of interventions led or delivered by cancer nursesCharalambous, Andreas ; Wells, Mary ; Campbell, Pauline ; Torrens, Claire ; Östlund, Ulrika ; Oldenmenger, Wendy ; Patiraki, Elisabeth ; Sharp, Lena ; Nohavova, Iveta ; Domenech-Climent, Nuria ; Eicher, Manuela ; Farrell, Carole ; Larsson, Maria ; Olsson, Cecilia ; Simpson, Mhairi ; Wiseman, Theresa ; Kelly, Daniel International Journal of Nursing Studies 
3Dec-2017Recognizing European cancer nursing: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of the evidence of effectiveness and value of cancer nursingCampbell, Pauline ; Torrens, Claire ; Kelly, Daniel ; Charalambous, Andreas ; Domenech-Climent, Nuria ; Nohavova, Iveta ; Östlund, Ulrika ; Patiraki, Elisabeth ; Salisbury, David ; Sharp, Lena ; Wiseman, Theresa ; Oldenmenger, Wendy ; Wells, Mary Journal of Advanced Nursing