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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
14-Feb-2021A Comparative Study about Data Structures Used for Efficient Management of Voxelised Full-Waveform Airborne LiDAR Data during 3D Polygonal Model CreationMiltiadou, Milto ; Campbell, Neill D.F. ; Cosker, Darren ; Grant, Michael G. 
2Jun-2019Open source software DASOS: efficient accumulation, analysis, and visualisation of full-waveform lidarMiltiadou, Milto ; Grant, Michael G. ; Campbell, Neill D.F. ; Warren, Mark ; Crewley, Daniel ; Hadjimitsis, Diofantos G. 
3May-2018Detection of dead standing Eucalyptus camaldulensis without tree delineation for managing biodiversity in native Australian forestMiltiadou, Milto ; Campbell, Neill D.F. ; Aracil, Susana Gonzalez ; Brown, Tony ; Grant, Michael G. 
4Sep-2016Improving and optimising visualisations of full-waveform LiDAR dataMiltiadou, Milto ; Campbell, Neill D.F. ; Brown, Matthew A. ; Cosker, Darren ; Grant, Michael G. 
528-Apr-2015Alignment of hyperspectral imagery and full-waveform LIDAR data for visualisation and classification purposesMiltiadou, Milto ; Warren, Mark ; Grant, Michael G. ; Brown, Matthew A.