Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.017 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1May-2024A systematic approach for designing an elderly-friendly virtual reality storytelling applicationAnastasiadou, Zoe 
21-Mar-2024Design and Evaluation of a Memory-Recalling Virtual Reality Application for Elderly UsersAnastasiadou, Zoe ; Dimitriadou, Eleni A. ; Lanitis, Andreas 
31-Jan-2022Development and Evaluation of a Prototype VR Application for the Elderly, that can Help to Prevent Effects Related to Social IsolationAnastasiadou, Zoe ; Lanitis, Andreas 
418-Jul-2021Assessing the Willingness of Elder Users in Using Virtual and Augmented Reality TechnologiesAnastasiadou, Zoe ; Lanitis, Andreas 
516-Feb-2018A Tour in the Archaeological Site of Choirokoitia Using Virtual Reality: A Learning Performance and Interest Generation AssessmentChristofi, Maria ; Kyrlitsias, Christos ; Michael-Grigoriou, Despina ; Anastasiadou, Zoe ; Michaelidou, Maria ; Papamichael, Ioanna ; Pieri, Katerina