Fyndanis, Valantis
Φυνδάνης, Βαλάντης

Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

Speech TitleEvent Name Invitation TypeDateLocation
Multilingualism and verbal short-term/working memory: Evidence from university professors and researchersAdvances in Second/Foreign Language Acquisition (ASeFoLA) Conference 2023Keynote speaker10-06-2023Nicosia
Morphosyntactic production in agrammatic aphasia: A cross-linguistic machine learning approachThe LAVA Lunch Seminar (https://site.uit.no/lava/lava-lunch-autumn-2019/)Prof. Yulia Rodina invited me to the University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway15-11-2019Tromsø, Norway
The impact of multilingualism on the cognitive abilities of healthy speakersMaster’s course ENG-3060 Multilingualism – 10 ECTSProf. Yulia Rodina invited me to the University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway13-11-2019Tromsø, Norway
Morphosyntactic production in agrammatic aphasia: A cross-linguistic machine learning approachThe Obler Neurolinguistics Lab MeetingProfessor Loraine Obler invited me to the Graduate Center, CUNY (City University of New York)16-05-2019New York, USA
Does bi-/multilingualism make academics even smarter? Evidence from NorwayOral presentation at the CNRS Laboratory Structures Formelles du Langage/University Paris 8 (https://sfl1.prod.lamp.cnrs.fr/umr-valantis-fyndanis-u-oslo)Professor Efstathia Soroli invited me to University Paris 804-06-2018Paris, France
Morphosyntactic production in Greek- and Italian-speaking individuals with probable Alzheimer's disease: Evidence from subject-verb agreement, tense/time reference and moodOral presentation in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Lille 3Professor Efstathia Soroli invited me to the Department of Linguistics at the University of Lille 325-05-2018Lille, France
Time reference in aphasia: Evidence from Greek and ItalianOral presentation in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Lille 3Professor Efstathia Soroli invited me to the Department of Linguistics at the University of Lille 318-05-2018Lille, France
(Morpho)syntactic production in agrammatic aphasia: A cross-linguistic test of three competing hypotheses and a machine learning studyOral presentation in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Lille 3Professor Efstathia Soroli invited me to the Department of Linguistics at the University of Lille 304-05-2018Lille, France
Does bi-/multilingualism make academics even smarter? Evidence from NorwayOral presentation in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Lille 3Professor Efstathia Soroli invited me to the Department of Linguistics at the University of Lille 304-05-2018Lille, France
Impact of bi-/multilingualism on cognitive abilitiesOral presentation at the Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet)Professor Dina Tsagari invited me to the Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet)23-04-2018Oslo, Norway
Cognitive testing: When is it non-verbal?Workshop "Visual Prompts and Visual Methods in Multilingualism Research" (part of MultiLing’s Colloquium B, "Engaging innovative methodologies in studying multilingualism across the lifespan")Dr. Pernile Hansen invited me to the University of Oslo (I was based in NYC at the time).18-06-2019Oslo, Norway
Brain and AphasiaDigital lecture at the undergraduate course "Introduction to the Study of Language"Dr. Thanasis Georgakopoulos invited me to give a digital lecture at his class at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki25-11-2020Thessaloniki, Greece
Sequential multilingualism and working memory: Evidence from academicsLingLab WebinarsThe organizing committee of the LingLab Webinars (Linguistics Laboratory, Department of Linguistics, School of Philology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) invited me to give an online talk23-04-2021
Teasing apart tense-related encoding and retrieval deficits in aphasiaDigital presentation at the e-SeminarsThe organizing committee of the e-Seminars (Department of Linguistics, School of Philology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece) invited me to give an online talk16-11-2022
Multilingualism and verbal short-term/working memory: Evidence from academics13th Conference on Communication Disorders in Multilingual and Multicultural PopulationsInvited speak10-01-2023Jerusalem, Israel