Prasad, Ramjee Venkatesha (rp05820)

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Sep-2013Harvesting energy from vibrations of the underlying structureHan, Bo ; Spyridon, Vassilaras ; Papadias, Constantinos B. ; Soman, Rohan N. ; Kyriakides, Marios ; Onoufriou, Toula ; Nielsen, Rasmus Hjorth ; Prasad, Ramjee Venkatesha 
22013Energy harvesting for sensors in infrastructure monitoring and maintenanceHan, Bo ; Kalis, Antonis A. ; Papadias, Constantinos ; Soman, Rohan ; Kyriakides, Marios ; Onoufriou, Toula ; Nielsen, Rasmus Wedel ; Prasad, Ramjee Venkatesha