Korae, Eva (rp03884)
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Korae, Eva
Κοραή, Εύα
She studied Furniture Restoration and Craftsmanship (BA Hons - UK) and holds an MA in Furniture Design and Technology (MA - UK). She has been teaching in tertiary education since 2003 and from 2007 as Special Training Staff at the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, Cyprus University of Technology (CUT). She designs, makes and exhibits her own contemporary furniture/ three-dimensional designs in Cyprus and Europe with an emphasis on sustainability and upcycling. She is an active supporter of the maker movement, having graduated from Fab Academy in 2016 (Fab Lab Amsterdam). She has worked as a consultant for the creation of making workshops at the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts (CUT), the Department of Fine Arts (CUT) and at the Department of Architecture of the University of Nicosia. She actively participates as a designer /maker but also as a mentor in hackathons and other competitions related to research and innovation under the theme of Product Design. She has set up her own non-profit makerspace called Makers Will Make, where she continues to lay the foundations for young graduates and independent makers to develop their ideas into final products. Lastly, she has been collaborating in the field of contemporary art, dance and theatre as a visual artist/ stage designer and maker since 2005 and has travelled to international festivals with several works. As an antiques restorer, she collaborated with the V&A museum in London, the University of Amsterdam and Rijks Museum. She has a special interest in the preservation of traditional crafts and techniques.