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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
1Jan-2004Suicide risk in small-areas in England and Wales, 1991-1993Middleton, Nicos ; Whitley, Elise ; Frankel, Stephen J. ; Dorling, Danny F L ; Sterne, Jonathan Ac C C ; Gunnell, David J. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 
2Oct-2003Urban-rural differences in suicide trends in young adults: England and Wales, 1981-1998Middleton, Nicos ; Gunnell, David J. ; Frankel, Stephen J. ; Whitley, Elise ; Dorling, Daniel Social Science & Medicine 
3Feb-2003Influence of cohort effects on patterns of suicide in England and Wales, 1950-1999Gunnell, David J. ; Middleton, Nicos ; Whitley, Elise ; Dorling, Danny F L ; Frankel, Stephen J. The British Journal of Psychiatry 
4Oct-2000Method availability and the prevention of suicide: a re-analysis of secular trends in Britain, 1950-1975Gunnell, David J. ; Middleton, Nicos ; Frankel, Stephen J. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 
55-Jun-2000Method availability and the prevention of suicide–a re-analysis of secular trends in England and Wales 1950–1975Gunnell, David J. ; Middleton, Nicos ; Frankel, Stephen J. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology