Mouzouropoulos, Theseas
Μουζουρόπουλος, Θησέας

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TitleBrief descriptionEvent locationNo. of participantsStart dateEnd date
Choosing a Typeface (Dalton Maag UK)This workshop was held by Eleni Beveratou which she was a guest speaker in the 1st Graphic & Illustration Design Conference [GRID19]University of Cyprus, Limassol, Cyprus1208-12-201908-12-2019
Map Υour Circle by Νατάσσα Παππά (GR)This workshop was held by Νατάσσα Παππά (GR) which she was a guest speaker in the 1st Graphic & Illustration Design Conference [GRID19]University of Cyprus, Limassol, Cyprus907-12-201908-12-2019
Printmaking as a Visual ToolThis workshop was held by Simone Filippou and mostly focused on the creative as well as the technical process for printmaking by using the method of silkscreen (screen printing)INTOTO STUDIO, Nicosia, Cyprus1429-05-201829-05-2018
Sketch: From Design To Delivery (Taxi Beat Greece)Sketch: From Design To Delivery, , Athens, Greece This workshop was held by Theo Tsongidis (Taxi Beat Greece) and it was focused on the design processes as well as the technical aspects of user interface and experience design (UI/UX)Athens, Greece1701-01-201701-01-2017
Design<>Materials: 2D, 3D & 4DMaterfad, the Barcelona Material Center, invites you to explore the various dimensions of materials: 2D, 3D and, the one referred to time: 4D. We will delve into the limitless relationships between materials and creativity, between science and philosophy, from ideas to reality. A reflection and contact with innovative materials based on Materfad’s 15 years of constant dedication to materials science research, samples scouting and collection. We will discuss and explore their incredible potential, redesign aspects of what we know so that we may expand our capacity to design and create. Workshop facilitator: Robert Thompson, Materfad’s scientific director.Barcelona's Design Hub, Barcelona's Materials Centre830-11-202330-11-2023
Type in Motion by Tina Touli - a London and world renowned motion designerΣτο εργαστήριο αυτό, οι συμμετέχοντες/ουσες είχαν την ευκαιρία να εξερευνήσουν νέες τεχνικές της τυπογραφίας κίνησης μέσω του Adobe After Effects, αναπτύσσοντας δημιουργικές δεξιότητες και καλλιεργώντας τη φαντασία τους με παιγνιώδεις ανακαλύψεις.Λεμεσός1524-11-202424-11-2024