| | Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης | Τίτλος | Συγγραφέας |
| 1 | Αυγ-2024 | The conundrum of predicting neurological outcomes in non-traumatic coma patients: True prediction or "Flipping a Coin" | Mpouzika, Meropi ; Karanikola, Maria ; Blot, Stijn I. |
| 2 | 30-Ιαν-2024 | The effectiveness of oral bovine lactoferrin compared to iron supplementation in patients with a low hemoglobin profile: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials | Christofi, Maria Dolores ; Giannakou, Konstantinos ; Mpouzika, Meropi ; Merkouris, Anastasios ; Vergoulidou Stylianide, Maria ; Charalambous, Andreas |
| 3 | 29-Δεκ-2023 | Knowledge on Stroke Recognition and Management among Emergency Department Healthcare Professionals in the Republic of Cyprus | Rossis, Christos ; Michail, Koralia ; Middleton, Nicos ; Karanikola, Maria ; Papathanassoglou, Elizabeth ; Mpouzika, Meropi |
| 4 | 13-Αυγ-2023 | Strategies of Screening and Treating Post-Extubation Dysphagia: An Overview of the Situation in Greek-Cypriot ICUs | Mpouzika, Meropi ; Iordanou, Stelios ; Kyranou, Maria ; Iliopoulou, Katerina ; Parissopoulos, Stelios ; Kalafati, Maria ; Karanikola, Maria ; Papathanassoglou, Elizabeth |
| 5 | 20-Ιου-2023 | Experiences of parents od premature infants hospitalized in neonatal intensive care unit before and during the pandemic | Leontiou, Stefani ; Nicolaou, Christiana ; Mpouzika, Meropi ; Karanikola, Maria |
| 6 | 2023 | Attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge regarding medical cannabis among healthcare students in the Republic of Cyprus: a cross-sectional descriptive correlational study | Sokratous, Sokratis ; Mpouzika, Meropi ; Kaikoushi, Katerina ; Alexandrou, George ; Karanikola, Maria |
| 7 | 2-Δεκ-2022 | Φαρμακευτική Κάνναβη: Στάσεις, γνώσεις και πεποιθήσεις μεταξύ φοιτητών επιστημών υγείας: Μια περιγραφική μελέτη συσχετίσεων | Σωκράτους, Σωκράτης ; Μπουζίκα, Μερόπη ; Καϊκούσιη, Κατερίνα ; Αλεξάνδρου, Γιώργος ; Καρανικόλα, Μαρία |
| 8 | 17-Σεπ-2022 | Work-Related Traumatic Stress Response in Nurses Employed in COVID-19 Settings | Karanikola, Maria ; Mpouzika, Meropi ; Papathanassoglou, Elizabeth ; Kaikoushi, Katerina ; Hatzioannou, Anna ; Leontiou, Ioannis ; Livadiotis, Chris ; Christophorou, Nicos ; Chatzittofis, Andreas |
| 9 | 19-Μαΐ-2022 | Attitudes, beliefs and knowledge about medical cannabis among nurses and midwives in Cyprus: a cross-sectional descriptive correlational study | Sokratous, Sokratis ; Kaikoushi, Katerina ; Mpouzika, Meropi ; Alexandrou, George ; Karanikola, Maria |
| 10 | 18-Μαΐ-2022 | Φαρμακευτική κάνναβη: γνώσεις, στάσεις, απόψεις και πεποιθήσεις σε Ελληνοκυπρίους φοιτητές νοσηλευτικής | Σωκράτους, Σωκράτης ; Καϊκούσιη, Κατερίνα ; Αλεξάνδρου, Γιώργος ; Μπουζίκα, Μερόπη ; Χατζημηλιδώνης, Λένος ; Καρανικόλα, Μαρία |
| 11 | 5-Ιαν-2022 | Intensive Care Nurses' Experience of Caring in Greece; A Qualitative Study | Parissopoulos, Stelios ; Timmins, Fiona ; Mpouzika, Meropi ; Mantzorou, Marianna ; Kapadochos, Theodore ; Papagaroufali, Eleni |
| 12 | 2022 | Reflux-Qual-Short-Form Questionnaire: Translation and Validation of the Greek Version | Georganta, Antonia ; Koreli, Alexandra ; Mantoudi, Alexandra ; Mpouzika, Meropi ; Androulakis, Emmanouil ; Dokoutsidou, Eleni ; Tsiou, Chrysoula ; Adamakidou, Theodoula |
| 13 | 8-Δεκ-2021 | Nursing Students Believes of Bullying Behaviour by Nursing Faculty | Kalafati, Maria ; Tziaferi, Styliani ; Nieri, Alexandra Stauvroula ; Mpouzika, Meropi ; Karanikola, Maria |
| 14 | Μαΐ-2021 | Medical cannabis attitudes, beliefs and knowledge among Greek-Cypriot University nursing students | Sokratous, Sokratis ; Mpouzika, Meropi ; Kaikoushi, Katerina ; Hatzimilidonis, Lenos ; Koutroubas, Virginia Sunday ; Karanikola, Maria |
| 15 | Μαΐ-2021 | Attitudes, beliefs and knowledge towards Medical Cannabis of Greek undergraduate and postgraduate university nursing students | Giannakopoulou, Margarita ; Vouzavali, Fotini ; Paikopoulou, Dimitra ; Paschali, Antonia ; Mpouzika, Meropi ; Karanikola, Maria |
| 16 | Μαρ-2021 | Pilot exploration of post-traumatic stress symptoms in intensive care unit survivors in Cyprus | Karanikola, Maria ; Alexandrou, George ; Mpouzika, Meropi ; Chatzittofis, Andreas ; Kusi-Appiah, Elizabeth ; Papathanassoglou, Elizabeth |
| 17 | Φεβ-2021 | Prevalence, associated factors and outcomes of pressure injuries in adult intensive care unit patients: the DecubICUs study | Labeau, Sonia O. ; Afonso, Elsa ; Benbenishty, Julie Sarah ; Blackwood, Bronagh ; Boulanger, Carole ; Brett, Stephen J. ; Calvino-Gunther, Silvia ; Chaboyer, Wendy ; Coyer, Fiona ; Deschepper, Mieke ; François, Guy ; Honore, Patrick M. ; Jankovic, Radmilo ; Khanna, Ashish K. ; Llaurado-Serra, Mireia ; Lin, Frances ; Rose, Louise ; Rubulotta, Francesca ; Saager, Leif ; Williams, Ged F. ; Blot, Stijn I. ; Muzha, Dritan ; Margarit Ribas, Antoni ; Lipovesty, Fernando ; Loudet, Cecilia ; Coyer, Fiona ; Eller, Philipp ; Mostafa, Nafseen ; Honoré, Patrick M. ; Telleria, Vanesa Mercado ; Smajic, Jasmina ; Nogueira, Paula Cristina ; Khalid Mahmood Khan, Nafees ; Hentchoya, Romuald ; Rose, Louise ; Soledad, Javiera ; Lin, Frances ; Cardenas, Yenny ; Reyes, Amylkar Garay ; Sustic, Alan ; Mpouzika, Meropi |
| 18 | 2021 | Nurses' attitudes and knowledge regarding patient rights: a systematic review | Mpouzika, Meropi ; Karanikola, Maria ; Panayiotou, Elena ; Raftopoulos, Vasilios ; Middleton, Nicos ; Papathanassoglou, Elizabeth |
| 19 | 12-Nov-2020 | Association Between Workplace Bullying Occurrence and Trauma Symptoms Among Healthcare Professionals in Cyprus | Aristidou, Loukia ; Mpouzika, Meropi ; Papathanassoglou, Elizabeth ; Middleton, Nicos ; Karanikola, Maria |
| 20 | 13-May-2020 | Workplace bullying-related trauma symptoms in Greek-Cypriot healthcare professionals | Aristidou, Loukia ; Mpouzika, Meropi ; Papathanassoglou, Elisabeth E.D ; Karanikola, Maria |