Issue Date Title Author(s) 21 1-Apr-2021 Superstatistics and isotropic turbulence Gravanis, Elias ; Akylas, Evangelos ; Michailides, Constantine ; Livadiotis, George
22 Jan-2021 A Hydro-Mechanical Constitutive Law for Modelling Sand Production Sarris, E. ; Papaloizou, Loizos ; Gravanis, Elias
23 Dec-2020 Elastic settlement analysis of rigid rectangular footings on sands and clays Pantelidis, Lysandros ; Gravanis, Elias
24 18-Nov-2020 Pressure build-up analysis in the flow regimes of the CO2 sequestration problem Sarris, Ernestos ; Gravanis, Elias ; Papaloizou, Loizos
25 Nov-2020 An explicit algebraic closure for passive scalar-flux: Applications in channel flows at a wide range of reynolds numbers Panagiotou, Constantinos F. ; Stylianou, Fotos S. ; Gravanis, Elias ; Akylas, Evangelos ; Michailides, Constantine
26 Jul-2020 An analytical random field solution for the reliability of axially loaded piles in the ultimate limit state considering the effect of soil sampling Gravanis, Elias ; Pantelidis, Lysandros ; Christodoulou, Panagiotis
27 1-May-2020 Physical meaning of temperature in superstatistics Gravanis, Elias ; Akylas, Evangelos ; Livadiotis, George
28 May-2020 Off-Shore wind potential in Cyprus: Towards an integrated representative geospatial database Akylas, Evangelos ; Gravanis, Elias ; Nikolaidis, Andreas ; Panagiotou, Constantinos ; Mettas, Christodoulos ; Kyriakidis, Phaedon ; Hadjimitsis, Diofantos G.
29 May-2020 The effect of targeted field investigation on the reliability of axially loaded piles: A random field approach Christodoulou, Panagiotis ; Pantelidis, Lysandros ; Gravanis, Elias
30 May-2020 Erratum: Physical meaning of temperature in superstatistics (EPL (2020) 130 (30005) DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/130/30005) Gravanis, Elias ; Akylas, Evangelos ; Livadiotis, George
31 Mar-2020 The effect of targeted field investigation on the reliability of earth-retaining structures in passive state: A random field approach Christodoulou, Panagiotis ; Pantelidis, Lysandros ; Gravanis, Elias
32 2020 Stability assessment of soil slopes in three dimensions: The effect of the width of failure and of tension crack Pantelidis, Lysandros ; Gravanis, Elias ; Gkotsis, Konstantinos-Paraskevas
33 Dec-2019 Velocity Fluctuations in Isotropic Turbulence and Their Statistical Dependence Akylas, Evangelos ; Gravanis, Elias ; Panagiotou, Constantinos ; Livadiotis, George
34 18-Nov-2019 The effect of targeted field investigation on the reliability of earth-retaining structures in active state Christodoulou, Panagiotis ; Pantelidis, Lysandros ; Gravanis, Elias
35 7-Nov-2019 Kappa distributions and isotropic turbulence Gravanis, Elias ; Akylas, Evangelos ; Panagiotou, Constantinos ; Livadiotis, George
36 1-Sep-2019 A novel methodology for synthesizing the wetting capillary pressure curve of rocks through sorptivity data Sarris, Ernestos ; Gravanis, Elias ; Ioannou, Ioannis
37 1-Aug-2019 Flow regime analysis of the pressure build-up during CO2 injection in saturated porous rock formations Sarris, Ernestos ; Gravanis, Elias
38 Jul-2019 Determining of the Joint Roughness Coe cient (JRC) of Rock Discontinuities Based on the Theory of Random Fields Gravanis, Elias ; Pantelidis, Lysandros
39 Jun-2019 A computational methodology to reconstruct the capillary pressure vs saturation curve of rocks through sorptivity tests Sarris, Ernestos ; Gravanis, Elias ; Papaloizou, Loizos
40 14-Mar-2018 The influence of diffusion in the fracture resistance method for wellbore strengthening: A rock mechanics approach Sarris, Ernestos ; Aladeyelu, Abdullahi ; Gravanis, Elias