Αποτελέσματα για 1-7 από 7.

Ημερομηνία ΈκδοσηςΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέας
11999Color Doppler velocity accuracy proximal to regurgitant orifices: influence of orifice aspect ratioMyers, Jerry G. ; Elmahdi, Abdelaziz M. ; Anayiotos, Andreas 
2Αυγ-1997Evaluation of the proximal flow field to circular and noncircular orifices of different aspect ratiosMyers, Jerry G. ; Fox, James F. ; Anayiotos, Andreas ; Perry, G. J. ; Elmahdi, Abdelaziz M. 
31996Time dependent characteristics of valvular regurgitation: A numerical investigationMyers, Jerry G. ; Perry, Gilbert J. ; Anayiotos, Andreas 
41995Non-circular orifice flowfields in valvular regurgitationGreen, Derek W. ; Myers, Jerry G. ; Anayiotos, Andreas 
51995Underestimation of velocities by color doppler in valvular regurgitationPerry, Gilbert J. ; Myers, Jerry G. ; Anayiotos, Andreas 
61995A numerical and experimental investigation of the flow acceleration region proximal to an orificePerry, Gilbert J. ; Myers, Jerry G. ; Anayiotos, Andreas 
71993Numerical simulation of the proximal convergence region of a regurgitant orificeMyers, Jerry G. ; Green, Derek W. ; Anayiotos, Andreas