Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
11-Jan-2015Wikis and forums for collaborative problem-based activity: A systematic comparison of learners' interactionsIoannou, Andri ; Brown, Scott W. ; Artino, Anthony R. 
2Mar-2010Learn more, stress less: Exploring the benefits of collaborative assessmentArtino, Anthony R. ; Ioannou, Andri College Student Journal 
32010Using a classroom response system to support active learning in an educational psychology course: A case study.Artino, Anthony R. ; Ioannou, Andri International Journal of Instructional Media 
4Aug-2009Wiki and threaded discussion for online collaborative activities: students' perceptions and useArtino, Anthony R. ; Ioannou, Andri Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence