Gregoriades, Andreas (rp00227)
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Gregoriades, Andreas
Γρηγοριάδης, Ανδρέας
Andreas Gregoriades is an Associate Professor of Electronic Commerce and Information Systems in the Department of Management, Entrepreneurship and Digital Business. He earned his PhD in Computation from UMIST (University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, now University of Manchester) in the area of Business Process Simulation and his MPhil and BSc degrees also in Computation at UMIST. Prior to joining CUT, he held full-time faculty positions at the European University Cyprus, the University of Surrey (U.K.) and a visiting lectureship at UMIST. He was also Postdoctoral Research Associate at UMIST, University of Surrey and University of Cyprus. He published several research papers in peer reviewed journals and conferences of international stands and secured several research grants from National and European research boards. His research interests spans the areas of Decision Support Systems, Machine Learning, Requirements Engineering, Intelligent Transportation Systems and Human Computer Interaction with emphasis in developing computational solutions to business problems. He won two best-paper awards at INCOSE and PESARO conferences.