Kakoulli-Constantinou, Elis (rp00120)

Kakoulli-Constantinou, Elis
Κακουλλή Κωνσταντίνου, Έλις
Elis Kakoulli Constantinou is the Deputy Director of the Language Centre of the Cyprus University of Technology, where she teaches English. She is also the coordinator of the Distance Learning Group of the Cyprus University of Technology Learning Development Network. Elis is also a teacher trainer at the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth, training teachers of public primary and secondary education on issues related to teaching methodology and the use of technology in the teaching practice. Furthermore, she is a core member of The European Laboratory For Pedagogical Action Research And Student-Centred Learning (ELaRA). She holds a PhD specialising in English for Specific Purposes Teacher Education (Cyprus University of Technology), an MA in Applied Linguistics (University of Essex, UK) and a BA in English Language and Literature (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece). Her research focuses on English for Specific Purposes, Teacher Education, Curriculum Development, Teaching Methodology, Technology Enhanced Language Learning and Action Research. She is a co-editor of the volumes Tertiary Education Language Learning: a collection of research (2021), Professional Development in CALL: A selection of papers (2019) and ESP teaching and teacher education: current theories and practices (2019). She has published articles in peer-reviewed academic journals, chapters in edited volumes, and she has participated in international conferences and EU-funded research programmes, such as TDP4HE (2022-2025), EUt+ (2020-2023), DC4LT (2018-2021) and DE-TEL (2019-2022), for two of which she served as a Principal Investigator. She is a member of various professional organisations and editorial boards.