Boglou, Dimitrios
Μπόγλου Δημήτριος

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Title Activity description Work accomplishedStart dateEnd date
Director/Co-ordimatorDirector and co-ordinator of the CUTing EdgeOrganizing the innovation center, training students, research, workshop10-04-2014
USA language and Culture tripI organized an educational trip to the USA for CUT students.Students visited universities in Washington DC. Congress and various museums. They also practised their English language skills17-07-202327-07-2023
Director of the CUTIng Edge center.The centre provides workshops for entrepreneurship, soft skills and digital literacy skills, leadership training. The centre also provides all the photography and videography needs for the Cyprus University of Technology. During the year 2021, it participate and covered in more than 100 events.01-04-201401-12-2024