Issue Date Title Author(s) 21 12-Nov-2021 Robotics in Healthcare Global status & Future Trends Avgousti, Sotiris ; Masouras, Panicos
22 2-Oct-2021 Τεχνολογίες της πληροφορίας και επικοινωνίας και σχολικός νοσηλευτής Έλληνα, Ιωάννα ; Ρόμπολας, Περικλής ; Μασούρας, Πανίκος ; Αυγουστή, Σωτήρης
23 28-Sep-2021 Ηλεκτρονικός φάκελος υγείας και νοσηλευτής: οφέλη, εμπόδια, προκλήσεις Μασούρας, Πανίκος ; Αυγουστή, Σωτήρης ; Ρόμπολας, Περικλής
24 1-Dec-2020 The Upcoming Role for Nursing and Assistive Robotics: Opportunities and Challenges Ahead Christoforou, Eftychios G. ; Avgousti, Sotiris ; Ramdani, Nacim ; Novales, Cyril ; Panayides, Andreas S.
25 7-Oct-2020 Ηλεκτρονικός φάκελος υγείας: επένδυση για ποιοτική νοσηλευτική φροντίδα Ρόμπολας, Περικλής ; Μασούρας, Πανίκος ; Αυγουστή, Σωτήρης
26 Oct-2020 Robotics Competitions as an Integral Part of STEM Education Christoforou, Eftychios G. ; Avgousti, Sotiris ; Masouras, Panicos ; Cheng, Pericles ; Panayides, Andreas S.
27 15-Jul-2020 Robotic Systems in Current Clinical Practice Avgousti, Sotiris ; Christoforou, Eftychios G. ; Panayides, Andreas S. ; Masouras, Panicos ; Vieyres, Pierre P. ; Pattichis, Constantinos S.
28 14-Oct-2019 Robotic Systems for general Surgery, Regulatory approvals and Market potential Avgousti, Sotiris ; Masouras, Panicos ; Christoforou, Eftychios G. ; Panayides, Andreas S. ; Pattichis, Constantinos S.
29 27-Sep-2019 An Overview of Assistive Robotics and Technologies for Elderly Care Christoforou, Eftychios G. ; Panayides, Andreas S. ; Avgousti, Sotiris ; Pattichis, C. S.
30 Sep-2019 An Overview of Assistive Robotics and Technologies for Elderly Care Christoforou, Eftychios G. ; Panayides, Andreas S. ; Avgousti, Sotiris ; Masouras, Panicos ; Pattichis, Constantinos S.
31 7-Aug-2019 Educational Robotics Competitions and Involved Methodological Aspects Christoforou, Eftychios G. ; Masouras, Panicos ; Cheng, Pericles ; Avgousti, Sotiris ; Tsekos, Nikolaos V. ; Panayides, Andreas S. ; Georgiou, George K.
32 15-Oct-2018 Telerobotic Systems in Medicine: Challenges and Potential Avgousti, Sotiris ; Masouras, Panicos ; Christoforou, Eftychios G. ; Panayides, Andreas S. ; Vieyres, Pierre ; Novales, Cyril
33 Sep-2018 Medical telerobotics and the remote ultrasonography paradigm over 4g wireless networks Avgousti, Sotiris ; Panayides, Andreas S. ; Christoforou, Eftychios G. ; Argyrou, Argyris ; Jossif, Antonis ; Masouras, Panicos ; Novales, Cyril ; Vieyres, Pierre
34 23-Oct-2017 Cardiac Ultrasonography over 4G-LTE Wireless Network Avgousti, Sotiris ; Masouras, Panicos
35 20-Jul-2017 Clinical trials and evaluation of Cardiac Ultrasonography over 4G Wireless Network using a Tele-operated Robot Avgousti, Sotiris ; Masouras, Panicos ; Panayides, Andreas S. ; Pattichis, Constantinos S. ; Christoforou, Eftychios G. ; Vieyres, Pierre ; Novales, Cyril
36 Sep-2016 Cardiac ultrasonography over 4G wireless networks using a tele-operated robot Avgousti, Sotiris ; Panayides, Andreas S. ; Jossif, Antonis P ; Christoforou, Eftychios G. ; Vieyres, Pierre ; Novales, Cyril ; Voskarides, Sotos ; Pattichis, Constantinos S.
37 Aug-2016 Medical telerobotic systems: Current status and future trends Avgousti, Sotiris ; Christoforou, Eftychios G. ; Panayides, Andreas S. ; Voskarides, Sotos ; Novales, Cyril ; Nouaille, Laurence ; Pattichis, Constantinos S. ; Vieyres, Pierre P.
38 15-Jun-2016 Presentation on tele-operated robots over 4G –LTE network Avgousti, Sotiris
39 1-May-2016 4G-LTE & video coding assessment Avgousti, Sotiris
40 15-Jul-2013 An Anticipative Control Approach and Interactive GUI to Enhance the Rendering of the Distal Robot Interaction with its Environment during Robotized Tele-Echography: Interactive Platform for Robotized Tele-Echography Vieyres, Pierre ; Sandoval, Juan ; Josserand, Laurence ; Novales, Cyril ; Chiccoli, Marco ; Morette, Nicolas ; Fonte, Aicha ; Avgousti, Sotiris ; Voskarides, Sotos ; Kasparis, Takis