Αποτελέσματα για 1-20 από 21.

Ημερομηνία ΈκδοσηςΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςJournal
11-Ιαν-2023Extremal quantiles and stock price crashesAndreou, Panayiotis ; Anyfantaki, Sofia ; Maasoumi, Esfandiar ; Sala, Carlo Econometric Reviews 
21-Ιαν-2022A Critique of the Agency Theory Viewpoint of Stock Price Crash Risk: The Opacity and Overinvestment ChannelsAndreou, Panayiotis ; Lambertides, Neophytos ; Magidou, Marina British Journal of Management 
31-Ιαν-2022The Design of a Postgraduate Vocational Training Programme to Enhance Engineering Graduates' Problem-Solving Skills Through PBLMiliou, Ourania ; Ioannou, Andri ; Georgiou, Yiannis ; Vyrides, Ioannis ; Xekoukoulotakis, Nikos ; Willert, SØren ; Andreou, Andreas S. ; Andreou, Panayiotis ; Komnitsas, Konstantinos ; Zaphiris, Panayiotis ; Yiatros, Stylianos The International Journal of Engineering Education 
41-Ιου-2021Corporate governance transformation: Editorial reviewAndreou, Panayiotis ; Lambertides, Neophytos ; Philip, Dennis The British Accounting Review 
5Ιου-2021Corporate Environmental Proactivity: Evidence from the European Union's Emissions Trading SystemAndreou, Panayiotis ; Kellard, Neil M. British Journal of Management 
61-Απρ-2021Dispersion in Options Investors’ Versus Analysts’ Expectations: Predictive Inference for Stock ReturnsAndreou, Panayiotis ; Kagkadis, Anastasios ; Maio, Paulo ; Philip, Dennis Critical Finance Review 
7Απρ-2021Financial distress risk and stock price crashesAndreou, Christoforos K. ; Andreou, Panayiotis ; Lambertides, Neophytos Journal of Corporate Finance 
82021Institutional Ownership and Firms’ Thrust to CompeteAndreou, Panayiotis ; Fiordelisi, Franco ; Harris, Terry ; Philip, Dennis British Journal of Management 
9Οκτ-2020Measuring Firms’ Market Orientation Using Textual Analysis of 10‐K FilingsAndreou, Panayiotis ; Harris, Terry ; Philip, Dennis British Journal of Management 
102020Financial literacy and its influence on internet banking behaviorAndreou, Panayiotis ; Anyfantaki, Sofia European Management Journal 
11Σεπ-2019The information content of forward momentsAndreou, Panayiotis ; Kagkadis, Anastasios ; Philip, Dennis ; Taamouti, Abderrahim Journal of Banking & Finance 
12Μαρ-2019Valuation effects of overconfident CEOs on corporate diversification and refocusing decisionsAndreou, Panayiotis ; Doukas, John A. ; Koursaros, Demetris ; Louca, Christodoulos Journal of Banking & Finance 
133-Μαΐ-2016The impact of vertical integration on inventory turnover and operating performanceAndreou, Panayiotis ; Louca, Christodoulos ; Panayides, Photis International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 
142016Short-horizon event study estimation with a STAR model and real contaminated eventsAndreou, Panayiotis ; Louca, Christodoulos ; Savva, Christos S. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 
152-Δεκ-2015Effects of market default risk on index option risk-neutral momentsAndreou, Panayiotis Quantitative finance 
161-Απρ-2014Assessing the performance of symmetric and asymmetric implied volatility functionsAndreou, Panayiotis ; Charalambous, Chris ; Martzoukos, Spiros H. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 
17Μαρ-2014Corporate governance, financial management decisions and firm performance: Evidence from the maritime industryLouca, Christodoulos ; Panayides, Photis ; Andreou, Panayiotis Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 
18Νοε-2012Valuation effects of mergers and acquisitions in freight transportationAndreou, Panayiotis ; Panayides, Photis ; Louca, Christodoulos Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 
19Μαρ-2010Generalized parameter functions for option pricingAndreou, Panayiotis ; Charalambous, Chris ; Martzoukos, Spiros H. Journal of Banking & Finance 
202008Empirical investigation of stock index futures market efficiency: The case of the Athens Derivatives ExchangeAndreou, Panayiotis ; Pierides, Yiannos A. The European Journal of Finance