Results 1-7 of 7 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Speech TitleEvent Name Invitation TypeDateLocation
Financial Illiteracy in Cyprus: The Problem and SolutionsFinancial Innovation in the Digital AgeInvited speaker01-09-2019Paphos
Parliament of Representatives ConferenceCahllenges of the 4th Industrial RevolutionInvited speaker01-09-2019
Important Elements of Financial EducationGreek Economic OlympiadInvited speaker10-07-2021
Financial Fragility and Financial LiteracyBank of Greece WorkshopInvited speaker09-12-2021
Financial and Pension LiteracyLIMRA 15th ConferenceInvited speaker21-10-2022
Financial Literacy in CyprusCentral Bank of Cyprus WorkshopInvited speaker10-12-2022
Managerial Rhetoric and Crash RiskKings College London Seminar SeriesSpeaker13-12-2023London