Results 1-19 of 19 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Feb-2018S(t)imulating the interplay between photosystem II proteins and the xanthophyll cycle in photoprotectionDaskalakis, Vangelis 
2Nov-2017The effect of proton and potential gradients on integral membrane proteins: Insights from Molecular Dynamics simulationsDaskalakis, Vangelis 
3Sep-2017The Photosystem II Subunit S Dynamics under stressDaskalakis, Vangelis ; Papadatos, Sotiris 
4Dec-2016Correlation Between Surface Tension and the Bulk Dynamics in Salty Atmospheric Aquatic DropletsDaskalakis, Vangelis ; Salameh, Anastasia 
5Apr-2016Tuning of a conformational change in CP29 from spinach: from Light Harvesting to PhotoprotectionDaskalakis, Vangelis ; Ioannidis, Nikolaos E. ; Papadatos, Sotiris 
6Jul-2015Globin Nitrito Heme Fe-O-N=O/ 2-Nitrovinyl Species: Impications for Myoglobin Helices DynamicsDaskalakis, Vangelis ; Pinakoulaki, Eftychia 
7Sep-2014Ice 1h crystal stability and growth in the presence of glyoxal Secondary Organic Aerosol and Carbon DioxideDaskalakis, Vangelis ; Hadjicharalambous, Marios ; Charalambous, Fevronia 
8Dec-2013Probing the Effects of Atmospheric Pollu-tants on Ice NucleationDaskalakis, Vangelis ; Hadjicharalambous, Marios 
9Feb-2013The structure of the hyponitrite in nitric oxide reductase (NOR)Daskalakis, Vangelis ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
10Aug-2011Probing the effect of the proximal and distal to the heme a3 environments in the Cytochrome c Oxidase dioxygen reactionDaskalakis, Vangelis ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
11Jun-2010QM/MM Calculations on Cyto-chrome c Oxidase: Probing of electron and proton pump couplingDaskalakis, Vangelis ; Farantos, Stavros C. ; Guallar, Victor ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
12Jul-2009Towards the Understanding of His411-FeIV=O Spectroscopic Properties in Ferryl Intermediate of Cytochrome c Oxi-dase + O2 Reaction: A Theoretical QM/MM, MD ApproachDaskalakis, Vangelis ; Farantos, Stavros C. ; Guallar, Victor ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
13Jul-2009Theoretical Studies of Metal-NOx species, isolated and in aqueous solutions: Raman bandsDaskalakis, Vangelis ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
14Jul-2009Cytochrome c Oxidase + O2 reaction intermediates as probed by Density Functional Theory: The Proximal and Distal to heme a3 effectsDaskalakis, Vangelis ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
15Feb-2008The Study of cyto-chrome c Oxidase on the EGEE GridGervasi, Osvaldo ; Farantos, Stavros C. ; Daskalakis, Vangelis ; Giatromanolakis, Manos 
162007Protein dynamics and spectroscopy for ferryl intermediate of cytochrome c oxidase: a molecular dynamics approachFarantos, Stavros C. ; Varotsis, Constantinos ; Daskalakis, Vangelis ; Farantos, Stavros C. 
172007EGEE: Applications in Classical and Quantum Molecular DynamicsDaskalakis, Vangelis ; Giatromanolakis, Manos ; Farantos, Stavros C. ; Gerbasi, Osvaldo 
182006Diogygen activation and bond cleavage in cell respiration as probed by resonance raman spectroscopyPinakoulaki, Eftychia ; Ohta, Takehiro ; Daskalakis, Evangelos ; Aggelaki, M. ; Kitagawa, Teizo ; Ludwig, Bernd ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
192002DFT Study of endoperoxides and their in-termediates in Fe(II) cleavage of the endoperoxy bridgeDaskalakis, Vangelis ; Frudakis, George ; Varotsis, Constantinos