| | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 1 | 27-Sep-2024 | Evaluating the impact of an online educational program – STOPIPV – for Cypriot midwives in intimate partner violence in pregnancy: a pre-post study | Hadjigeorgiou, Eleni ; Manoli, Emmanouela ; Kouta, Christiana ; Karanikola, Maria ; Middleton, Nicos |
| 2 | 2019 | The use of interactive technology in providing culturally competent care | Kouta, Christiana |
| 3 | 15-Sep-2018 | Women’s perceptions of the use of the internet for information regarding pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium. Qualitative study | Christou, E. ; Hadjigeorgiou, Eleni ; Middleton, Nicos ; Christodoulides, Veronika ; Kolokotroni, Ourania ; Pedersen, Eline ; Nicolaou, Christiana ; Papadopoulou, Maria ; Kouta, Christiana ; Karanikola, Maria |
| 4 | Sep-2018 | Health professional’s perceptions for expectants parent’s learning needs around pregnancy, birth and early life of the infant in Cyprus. From Birth to Health | Hadjigeorgiou, Eleni ; Christou, I. ; Middleton, Nicos ; Christodoulides, Veronika ; Kolokotroni, Ourania ; Pedersen, Eline ; Nicolaou, Christiana ; Papadopoulou, Maria ; Kouta, Christiana ; Karanikola, Maria |
| 5 | Nov-2016 | Health related quality of life of mothers of children suffering from malignancy the role of social support and social capital clinical nursing | Nicolaou, Christiana ; Kouta, Christiana ; Papathanassoglou, Elizabeth ; Middleton, Nicos |
| 6 | Nov-2014 | Bringing Technology In The Service Of Gender Equality: The Womenpower project | Krambia-Kapardis, Maria ; Parmaxi, Antigoni ; Kouta, Christiana ; Vasiliou, Christina ; Ioannou, Andri ; Lambrou, George |
| 7 | 26-Oct-2014 | Nurses and Midwives: of importance to health | Krambia-Kapardis, Maria ; Kouta, Christiana ; Parmaxi, Antigoni ; Vasiliou, Christina ; Ioannou, Andri ; Lambrou, George |
| 8 | 2014 | First-time exploration into breast cancer incidence and mortality across small-areas in Cyprus: spatial patterning and associations with rurality indicators | Zannoupas, George ; Charalambous, Andreas ; Kouta, Christiana ; Pavlou, Pavlos ; Papathanassoglou, Elizabeth ; Nicolaou, Christiana ; Kolokotroni, Ourania ; Lamnisos, Demetris ; Yiallouros, Panayiotis K. ; Middleton, Nicos |
| 9 | 2014 | Is measuring social capital culturally- and group-specific? psychometric validation of the New South Wales social capital questionnaire across distinct population groups in Cyprus | Nicolaou, Christiana ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Kouta, Christiana ; Karanikola, Maria ; Kolokotroni, Ourania ; Yiallouros, Panayiotis K. ; Papathanassoglou, Elizabeth ; Middleton, Nicos |
| 10 | 2014 | Cross-cultural applicability of the Medical Outcomes Study – Social Support Survey as a measure of perceived social support among Greek-Cypriot mothers Psychometric validation of MOS | Nicolaou, Christiana ; Kouta, Christiana ; Papathanassoglou, Elizabeth ; Middleton, Nicos |
| 11 | 2012 | Οι απόψεις των ελληνοκυπρίων γυναικών για τη δημιουργία κέντρων τοκετού στην Κύπρο | Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Kouta, Christiana ; Hadjigeorgiou, Eleni |
| 12 | 2011 | Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of immigrant from third countries in Cyprus, on HIV/AIDS and sexual and reproductive health | Kaite, Charis P. ; Kouta, Christiana |
| 13 | 2011 | Σακχαρώδης διαβήτης και ποιότητα ζωής | Μαλλιαρού, Μαρια ; Αγόρη, Α. ; Αθανασοπούλου, Μαρία ; Ζυγά, Σοφία ; Sarafis, Pavlos ; Kouta, Christiana |
| 14 | 2011 | Στήριξη των οικογενειών ασθενών στη μονάδα εντατικής θεραπείας | Καραθανάση, Κωνσταντινιά ; Μουστάκα, Ελένη ; Σωτηριάδου, Κυριακή ; Κοτρώτσιου, Ευαγγελία ; Sarafis, Pavlos ; Malliarou, Maria ; Kouta, Christiana |
| 15 | 12-Nov-2010 | Foucault theory and medicalization of childbirth | Hadjigeorgiou, Eleni ; Kouta, Christiana ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Mårtensson, Lena B ; Papadopoulos, Irena |
| 16 | 5-Jun-2010 | Διερεύνηση του δικαιώματος της γυναίκας για ενημερωμένη επιλογή τόπου τοκετού | Χατζηγεωργίου, Ελένη ; Κούτα, Χριστιάνα ; Παπασταύρου, Ευριδίκη ; Mårtensson, Lena B ; Papadopoulos, Irena |
| 17 | 2010 | Η εξήγηση του φαινομένου της ιατρικοποίησης του τοκετού σύμφωνα με τη θεωρία του Φουκώ | Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Kouta, Christiana ; Hadjigeorgiou, Eleni |
| 18 | 2010 | Η διερεύνηση του δικαιώματος της Κύπριας γυναίκας για επιλογή τόπου τοκετού | Martenson, Lena B. ; Papadopoulos, Irena ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Kouta, Christiana ; Hadjigeorgiou, Eleni |
| 19 | Sep-2009 | Childbirth rights and reality | Martenson, Lena B. ; Papadopoulos, Irena ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Hadjigeorgiou, Eleni ; Kouta, Christiana |
| 20 | Jul-2009 | Women’s perceptions towards their childbirth rights for informed choice for place of birth | Martenson, Lena B. ; Papadopoulos, Irena ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Kouta, Christiana ; Hadjigeorgiou, Eleni |