Tsapatsoulis, Nicolas (rp00028)
Tsapatsoulis, Nicolas
Τσαπατσούλης, Νικόλας
Nicolas Tsapatsoulis graduated from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in 1994 and received his Ph.D degree, in Image Analysis and Synthesis, in 2000 from the same University. He has worked at the School of Electrical and Computer Eng. of the National Technical University of Athens (2000-2002) as a Research Assistant, being responsible for the project "ORESTEIA" IST-2000-26091, and at the Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (ICCS), Athens, Greece, being a Class C' Researcher (2002-2003). During the academic period 2003-2004 he was with the Computer Science department (CS-UCY). of the University of Cyprus (UCY) being a Visiting Lecturer. The academic period 2004 - 2005 he served as a Visiting Assistant Professor at the same department. During the period September 2005 - January 2008 he worked at the University of Peloponnese (UOP), Department of Telecommunications Science and Technology (TST) as an adjunct (PD407 / 80) Lecturer (2005-2006) and Assistant Professor (2006-2008). The same period he was also a Collaborating Researcher in the Computational Intelligence Laboratory (CIL), at the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications (IIT), of the National Center for Scientific Research ( "DEMOKRITOS"), working for the European project BOEMIE, Bootstrapping Ontology Evolution with Multimedia Information Extraction. In January 2008 he joined the department of Communication and Internet Studies (CIS) of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) where he stayed for 13 years reaching the rank of Full Professor. Since January 2021 he is the coordinator (chair) of the newly established department of Integrated Marketing Communication.
He is a member of the Technical Chambers of Greece and Cyprus and a member of IEEE Signal Processing and Communication societies. He has published more than 150 papers in international journals, book chapters and proceedings of international conferences (see ORCID). His research has been recognized by the international research community through more than 5000 independent citations (Scholar Google).
Dr Tsapatsoulis is an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Political Science, Section Elections and Representation and a Review Editor of Frontiers in Big Data, Section: Data Mining and Management. He is also an Associate Editor of The Computer Journal (Oxford Academic)
He is a member of the Technical Chambers of Greece and Cyprus and a member of IEEE Signal Processing and Communication societies. He has published more than 150 papers in international journals, book chapters and proceedings of international conferences (see ORCID). His research has been recognized by the international research community through more than 5000 independent citations (Scholar Google).
Dr Tsapatsoulis is an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Political Science, Section Elections and Representation and a Review Editor of Frontiers in Big Data, Section: Data Mining and Management. He is also an Associate Editor of The Computer Journal (Oxford Academic)