Results 1-13 of 13 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).

TitleFunderStatusBudgetExpiration Date
Ενιαίο σύστημα παρακολούθησης των δικτύων υδρευσης και υποστήριξης του εντοπισμού και της αποκατάστασης των διαρροών31-10-2019
DOSSIER-CLOUD - Devops-Based Software Engineering for the CloudEC Joint Research Centre€ 249 586,2531-12-2018
Student innovation labs - a way to sustainable and socially responsible growth31-08-2016
DESTINI: Smart Data ProcESsing and SysTems of Deep INsIghtEC Joint Research CentreOngoing30-09-2022
“NAVSAV: La Navigation du Savoir: Network of Multimedia Poles for the Transmission of Marine KnowledgeEuropean Commission31-03-2005
Nature-GIS - A European thematic network for Protected Areas/Nature Preservation and Geographical InformationEuropean Commission31-03-2005
GENESIS - Enterprise application interoperability via Internet-Integration for SMEs, Governmental Organisations and Intermediaries in the new European UnionEuropean Commission31-08-2008
NATURE - SDI - Best practice network for SDI in nature conservationEuropean Commission28-02-2011
e-Tracer - Design, development and evaluation of a novice intelligent electronic intelligent service (e-tracer) for locating and monitoring items delivered or exchanged in a business environmentResearch and Innovation Foundation (RIF)30-06-2011
Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) for producing Decision Support Systems (DSS) to facilitate the analysis and decision making of real-life, complex, dynamical systemsResearch and Innovation Foundation (RIF)31-01-2012
INNOLABS – Student innovation labs - a way to sustainable and socially responsible growthEuropean Commission31-08-2016
SMARTGOV - Advanced Decision Support for Smart GovernanceEuropean Commission28-02-2019
Prediction, Monitoring and Personalized Recommendations for Prevention and Relief of Dementia and FrailtyEuropean Commission31-12-2027