Theodossiou, Panayiotis (rp00011)
Theodossiou, Panayiotis
Θεοδοσίου, Παναγιώτης
He is a Professor of Finance and the Dean of the Faculty of Management and Economics at the Cyprus University of Technology, a state funded university. Between the spring of 2009 and the fall of 2010, he served on the University’s Interim Steering Committee. Previously, he was a tenured Professor at Rutgers University, NJ, for eighteen years. His teaching interests are in financial management, asset pricing, financial econometrics, real estate investing and financial markets. His research areas are asset pricing models, international financial markets, risk measurement and robust estimation methods. He has published single- and co-authored articles in the Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Management Science and the Journal of the American Statistical Association. His current research is on “Skewness and the Relation between Risk and Return” and “Outliers in Stock Pricing Models and Implications for Event Studies.” He is a Fellow and the Founding President of the Multinational Finance Society and the Editor-in-Chief of the Multinational Finance Journal. He is currently serving on the National Economic Council, an advisory body to the President of Cyprus. He is the author of numerous newspaper articles on economic policy, finance and education and participates regularly as a finance expert on national TV and radio programs.