Issue Date Title Author(s) Journal 21 2016 miRNA-loaded exosome-like microparticles as targeted cancer therapy. Filipovic, Aleksandra ; Proklopi, Marianna ; Pitsillides, Costas ; Kapnisis, Konstantinos ; Anayiotos, Andreas ; Kousparou, Christina ; Epenetos, Agamemnon Anthony Journal of Clinical Oncology
22 27-May-2015 The Effect of Head Rotation on the Geometry and Hemodynamics of Healthy Vertebral Arteries Aristokleous, Nicolas ; Seimenis, Ioannis ; Georgiou, Georgios C. ; Nicolaides, Andrew N. ; Anayiotos, Andreas Annals of Biomedical Engineering
23 19-May-2015 The Evolution of Computational Hemodynamics as a Clinical Tool in Decision Making, Patient Specific Treatment and Clinical Management. Part II Gallo, Diego ; Anayiotos, Andreas ; Morbiducci, Umberto Annals of Biomedical Engineering
24 1-Jan-2015 The Evolution of Computational Hemodynamics as a Clinical Tool in Decision Making, Patient Specific Treatment and Clinical Management Gallo, Diego ; Anayiotos, Andreas ; Morbiducci, Umberto
25 1-Dec-2014 Multi-scale mechanical investigation of stainless steel and cobalt-chromium stents Kapnisis, Konstantinos ; Constantinides, Georgios ; Georgiou, Harry ; Cristea, Daniel ; Gabor, Camelia ; Munteanu, Daniel ; Brott, Brigitta C. ; Anderson, Peter G. ; Lemons, Jack E. ; Anayiotos, Andreas Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
26 1-Oct-2014 Therapeutic miRNAs targeted selectively to tumors by mesenchymal stem cell derived microparticles Prokopi, Marianna ; Epenetos, Agamemnon ; Anayiotos, Andreas ; Pitsillides, Costas ; Kapnisis, Konstantinos ; Kousparou, Christina Cancer Research
27 May-2014 Impact of head rotation on the individualized common carotid flow and carotid bifurcation hemodynamics Aristokleous, Nicolas ; Seimenis, Ioannis ; Georgiou, Georgios C. ; Papaharilaou, Yannis ; Brott, Brigitta C. ; Nicolaides, Andrew N. ; Anayiotos, Andreas IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
28 Apr-2013 Stent overlapping and geometric curvature influence the structural integrity and surface characteristics of coronary nitinol stents Halwani, Dina O. ; Anayiotos, Andreas ; Kapnisis, Konstantinos Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
29 2013 Variability of computational fluid dynamics solutions for pressure and flow in a giant aneurysm: the ASME 2012 Summer Bioengineering Conference CFD Challenge Steinman, David A. ; Hoi, Yiemeng ; Fahy, Paul ; Morris, Liam ; Walsh, Michael T ; Aristokleous, Nicolas ; Anayiotos, Andreas ; Papaharilaou, Yannis ; Arzani, Amirhossein ; Shadden, Shawn C ; Berg, Philipp ; Janiga, Gábor ; Bols, Joris ; Segers, Patrick ; Bressloff, Neil W. ; Cibis, Merih ; Gijsen, Frank H ; Cito, Salvatore ; Pallares, Jordi ; Browne, Leonard D ; Costelloe, Jennifer A ; Lynch, Adrian G ; Degroote, Joris ; Vierendeels, Jan ; Fu, Wenyu ; Qiao, Aike ; Hodis, Simona ; Kallmes, David F ; Kalsi, Hardeep ; Long, Quan ; Kheyfets, Vitaly O ; Finol, Ender A ; Kono, Kenichi ; Malek, Adel M ; Lauric, Alexandra ; Menon, Prahlad G. ; Pekkan, Kerem ; Esmaily Moghadam, Mahdi ; Marsden, Alison L ; Oshima, Marie ; Katagiri, Kengo ; Peiffer, Véronique ; Mohamied, Yumnah ; Sherwin, Spencer J ; Schaller, Jens ; Goubergrits, Leonid ; Usera, Gabriel ; Mendina, Mariana ; Valen-Sendstad, Kristian ; Habets, Damiaan F ; Xiang, Jianping ; Meng, Hui ; Yu, Yue ; Karniadakis, George E ; Shaffer, Nicholas ; Loth, Francis Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
10 10-Nov-2012 Effect of Head Posture on the Healthy Human Carotid Bifurcation Hemodynamics Aristokleous, Nicolas ; Khozeymeh, Mohammad Iman ; Anayiotos, Andreas Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
11 26-Sep-2011 The role of vascular calcification in inducing fatigue and fracture of coronary stents Halwani, Dina O. ; Anayiotos, Andreas Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials
12 Apr-2011 The influence of temperature on rheological properties of blood mixtures with different volume expanders-implications in numerical arterial hemodynamics simulations Georgiou, Georgios C. ; Papaharilaou, Yannis ; Anayiotos, Andreas ; Valant, Andreja Zupančič ; Ziberna, Lovro Rheologica Acta
13 Jan-2011 Effect of posture change on the geometric features of the healthy carotid bifurcation Aristokleous, Nicolas ; Seimenis, Ioannis ; Anayiotos, Andreas IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine
14 29-Oct-2010 In-vivo corrosion and local release of metallic ions from vascular stents into surrounding tissue Halwani, Dina O. ; Anderson, Peter G. ; Anayiotos, Andreas Journal of Invasive Cardiology
15 2010 Clinical device-related article surface characterization of explanted endovascular stents : evidence of in vivo corrosion Halwani, Dina O. ; Anderson, Peter G. ; Anayiotos, Andreas
16 20-Aug-2008 Assessment of passive cardiovascular implant devices for MRI compatibility Walsh, Edward G. ; Brott, Brigitta C. ; Anayiotos, Andreas ; Venugopalan, Ramakrishna ; Johnson, Vicki Y. Technology and Health Care
17 Mar-2008 Numerical and experimental study of a novel phase contrast magnetic resonance (PC-MR) imaging technique: Sparse Interleaved Referencing PC-MR imaging Li, Longchuan ; Doyle, Mark W. ; Rayarao, Geetha ; Biederman, Robert W.W. ; Anayiotos, Andreas Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
18 2008 Hemodynamic analysis of a compliant femoral artery bifurcation model using a fluid structure interaction framework Kim, Young H. ; Kim, Jong E. ; Anayiotos, Andreas Annals of Biomedical Engineering
19 2008 A spheroidal control volume for the quantitative measurement of regurgitant flow by cardiac MRI Kortright, Eduardo ; Rayarao, Geetha ; Li, Longchuan ; Anayiotos, Andreas ; Biederman, Robert W.W. ; Doyle, Mark Technology and Health Care
20 29-Aug-2007 Numerical simulation of in vitro pulsatile flow and its study using FRISK, a rapid phase contrast technique Li, Longchuan ; Doyle, Mark W. ; Anayiotos, Andreas Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging