Preparatory activity for monitoring & identification of arable CROps in Cyprus from Space - CROSS

Project title
Preparatory activity for monitoring & identification of arable CROps in Cyprus from Space - CROSS
Project Coordinator
Start date
Expected Completion
The project entitled as Preparatory Activity for “Monitoring & Identification of arable CRops in CypruS from Space” in short CROSS, is submitted by the
Cyprus University of Technology (Prime Contractor), the Cyprus Agricultural Payments Organisation (Sub-contractor 1) and Novatex Solutions (Subcontractor 2) at the “Third Call for Outline Proposals under the Plan for European Cooperating States (PECS) in Cyprus”.
CROSS project aims to facilitate the adaptation of Sen4CAP at a national level, by the local Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) monitoring and paying
agency, that participates actively in the present preparatory activity. This will be achieved through a comprehensive Literature Review on CAP monitoring
best practices and how these can be applied in Cyprus, taking into account the specificities of agriculture in Cyprus, such as the soil conditions and parcel
sizes. Moreover, the correlation between the National Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) and the crop types and growth status/stages will be
investigated further. An attempt will be made to identify open-source software that can be used for the specific task and any additional developments that
are required to be applicable in Cyprus. All of the above will be carried out having in mind the Common Technical Specifications developed by DG-Agri
and JRC in direct preparation to the CAP monitoring.