Enhancing Education Programs in Arts and Humanities via EU STEM Methods and Technologies

Project title
Enhancing Education Programs in Arts and Humanities via EU STEM Methods and Technologies
869.195 €
Project Coordinator
Ongoing Project
Start date
Expected Completion
Funding Program
ERASMUS+/Capacity Building in the field of higher education 2020
The project aims at rethinking education in humanities in Russia and partner countries in line with the EU standards, research and practices to catch up with the latest trends of the labour market and reinforce education in humanities by adopting digital methods of research and education. Proposal follows the idea that graduates with degrees in Arts and Humanities demonstrate high levels of soft skills development (demanded by potential employers), however, may lack digital skills traditionally associated with STEM programmes. Current state of affairs suggests the significance of harmonious development of both types of skills. Hence, the project proposes the following actions to introduce the new curriculum that merges the advantages of humanitarian and STEM programmes education methods and tools. Therefore, the consortium plans to achieve empowerment of humanities as a field of study that develops alongside with the rapidly changing world and ensures graduates’ competences demanded by the labour market and their employability.