Pedagogy for Autonomy in Language Education: A European Pedagogy for Autonomous Learning: Educating Modern Language Teachers through ICT: EUROPAL

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Project title
Pedagogy for Autonomy in Language Education: A European Pedagogy for Autonomous Learning: Educating Modern Language Teachers through ICT: EUROPAL
Project Coordinator
Start date
Expected Completion
EuroPAL is a project on autonomous learning, focused on the use of ICT for teacher education. The aim of the project is to provide modern language teachers and teachers-to-be with a broad and balanced knowledge and understanding of a pedagogy for autonomy and lifelong learning. Innovative features include the development of multimedia teacher education materials, incorporating current insights from instructional design theory. Project outputs include documents, such as an autonomy profile of the modern language teacher, a book (Issues in a Pedagogy for Learner Autonomy), as well as a multilingual website with samples of project work. However, the main product will be a multilingual, interactive CD-ROM with navigational capacity. The development of the CD-ROM will be informed by the previous development of a framework for learner autonomy, and current principles of effective e-learning environments derived from: a) a conception of the effective teacher, b) a conception of effective foreign language teaching, c) teacher education theory, and d) instructional design theory. Regarding the content, this teacher education package will contain input in key aspects of learner autonomy in a school context, such as background and rationale to learner autonomy, as well as practical examples of a pedagogy for autonomy.
Autonomous learning
Lifelong learning