Development of Geo-Spatial Environmental ans Decision Support System for Incident Management and Impact Analysis

Project title
Development of Geo-Spatial Environmental ans Decision Support System for Incident Management and Impact Analysis
Project Coordinator
Start date
Expected Completion
The Cyprus University of Technology – Coordinating Beneficiary, along with the Associated Beneficiaries: P. Nicolaides & Associates Ltd – (N&A), Nieuwland Automatisering BV (Netherlands) and Ascent Software Limited (Malta) have been granted the EUREKA/EUNEA/0609/12 project “Development of a Geo-Spatial Environmental and Decision Support System for Incident Management and Impact Analysis - EKTIMISIS” which is co-financed by the Research Promotion Foundation, the European Commission and the Structural Funds of the EU in Cyprus. The program has commenced in April 1, 2012 with duration of 24 months.