Dead Sea and Arava Science Center

Organization name
Dead Sea and Arava Science Center

Αποτελέσματα για 1-2 από 2.

Ημερομηνία ΈκδοσηςΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςJournal
1Σεπ-2023Undisturbed Posidonia oceanica meadows maintain the epiphytic bacterial community in different environmentsRotini, Alice ; Conte, Chiara ; Winters, Gidon ; Vasquez Christodoulou, Marlen ; Migliore, Luciana Environmental science and pollution research international 
2Μαρ-2023An invasive seagrass drives its own success in two invaded seas by both negatively affecting native seagrasses and benefiting from those costsChiquillo, Kelcie L. ; Barber, Paul H. ; Vasquez Christodoulou, Marlen ; Cruz-Rivera, Edwin ; Willette, Demian A. ; Winters, Gidon ; Fong, Peggy Oikos