Organization name
University of Vaasa

Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.02 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
12021Unconventional monetary policy and international equity capital flows to emerging marketsAndreou, Christoforos K. ; Dimic, Nebojsa ; Piljak, Vanja ; Savvides, Andreas European Financial Management 
2May-2014Playful or gameful?: creating delightful user experiencesLucero, Andrés ; Karapanos, Evangelos ; Arrasvuori, Juha ; Korhonen, Hannu Interactions 
31-Jan-2022Operational effectiveness in post-pandemic times: Examining the roles of digital technologies, talent management and employee engagement in manufacturing SMEsZahoor, Nadia ; Christofi, Michael ; Nwoba, Arinze Christian ; Donbesuur, Francis ; Miri, Domnan Production Planning and Control 
41-Apr-2023The micro-foundations of digitally transforming SMEs: How digital literacy and technology interact with managerial attributesZahoor, Nadia ; Zopiatis, Anastasios ; Adomako, Samuel ; Lamprinakos, Grigorios Journal of Business Research 
51-Jan-2023International servitization of SMEs in emerging markets: antecedents and boundary conditionsZahoor, Nadia ; Christofi, Michael ; Nwoba, Arinze Christian 
6Jul-2019Financial development, government bond returns, and stability: International evidenceBoubaker, Sabri ; Nguyen, Duc Khuong ; Piljak, Vanja ; Savvides, Andreas Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 
7Jun-2021Enhancing International Buyer-Seller Relationship Quality and Long-Term Orientation Using Emotional Intelligence: The Moderating Role of Foreign CultureLeonidou, Leonidas C. ; Aykol, Bilge ; Larimo, Jorma ; Kyrgidou, Lida P. ; Christodoulides, Paul Management International Review 
87-May-2015Drivers and Outcomes of Green Tourist Attitudes and Behavior: Sociodemographic Moderating EffectsLeonidou, Leonidas C. ; Coudounaris, Dafnis N. ; Kvasova, Olga ; Christodoulides, Paul Psychology and Marketing