Hospital District of Southwest Finland

Organization name
Hospital District of Southwest Finland

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
12002Το πρόβλημα του θανάτου: πρόκληση για τους φοιτητές της νοσηλευτικήςCharalambous, Andreas Κυπριακά Νοσηλευτικά Χρονικά 
211-May-2012Patients’ and Nurses’ Perceptions of Respect and Human Presence Through Caring Behaviours: A Comparative StudyEfstathiou, Georgios ; Tsangari, Haritini ; Suhonen, Riitta ; Leino-Kilpi, Helena ; Patiraki, Elisabeth ; Karlou, Chryssoula ; Balogh, Zoltan ; Palese, Alvisa ; Tomietto, Marco ; Jarosova, Darja ; Merkouris, Anastasios ; Papastavrou, Evridiki Nursing Ethics 
3Feb-2016Empowering knowledge and its connection to health-related quality of life: A cross-cultural study: A concise and informative title: Empowering knowledge and its connection to health-related quality of lifeKoekenbier, Krista ; Leino-Kilpi, Helena ; Cabrera, Esther ; Istomina, Natalia ; Stark, Åsa Johansson ; Katajisto, Jouko ; Lemonidou, Chryssoula ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Salanterä, Sanna ; Sigurdardottir, Arun ; Valkeapää, Kirsi ; Eloranta, Sini Applied Nursing Research 
4Dec-2015Difference between received and expected knowledge of patients undergoing knee or hip replacement in seven European countriesKlemetti, Seija ; Leino-Kilpi, Helena ; Cabrera, Esther ; Copanitsanou, Panagiota ; Ingadottir, Brynja ; Istomina, Natalja ; Katajisto, Jouko ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Unosson, Mitra ; Valkeapää, Kirsi