Faculty of Engineering and Technology

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Organization name
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Our Faculty consists of three Departments: Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering and Informatics, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering, and Civil Engineering and Geomatics. All three Departments cover areas that are on the cutting edge of technology and formed the basis for the establishment of our University. These three Departments, within the few years of operation of our University, managed to attract significant amounts of research funding and to participate in competitive calls both in Cyprus and abroad. In addition, the Faculty Departments have demonstrated remarkable educational work both in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes both at the Master as well as at the doctoral level. During the current academic year seven Master level programs are offered in three Departments of the Faculty.

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Αποτελέσματα για 201-220 από 3981.

Ημερομηνία ΈκδοσηςΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέας
201Ιαν-2022Assessment of machine learning and ensemble methods for fault diagnosis of photovoltaic systemsMellit, Adel ; Kalogirou, Soteris A. 
2026-Σεπ-2017Assessment of modern smartphone sensors performance on vehicle localization in urban environmentsLazarou, Theodoros ; Danezis, Chris 
20320-Αυγ-2008Assessment of passive cardiovascular implant devices for MRI compatibilityWalsh, Edward G. ; Brott, Brigitta C. ; Anayiotos, Andreas ; Venugopalan, Ramakrishna ; Johnson, Vicki Y. 
204Δεκ-2009Assessment of temporal variations of water quality in inland water bodies using atmospheric corrected satellite remotely sensed image dataClayton, Chris R I ; Hadjimitsis, Diofantos G. 
205Νοε-2012An assessment of the biomass potential of Cyprus for energy productionFlorides, Georgios A. ; Kythreotou, Nicoletta ; Tassou, Savvas A. 
206Μαΐ-2019Assessment of the Darkest Pixel atmospheric correction method for Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8- Remote Sensing DataEfthyvoulou, Stefanos 
207Σεπ-2009Assessment of the effectiveness of atmospheric correction methods using standard calibration targets, ground measurements and aster imagesThemistocleous, Kyriacos ; Hadjimitsis, Diofantos G. 
884-Οκτ-2019Assessment of the existing multi-hazard methods: intended for monitoring natural threats on archaeological sitesPapageorgiou, Nikoletta ; Hadjimitsis, Diofantos G. ; Themistocleous, Kyriacos 
8926-Ιου-2017Assessment of vegetation indices derived by UAV imagery for durum wheat phenotyping under a water limited and heat stressed Mediterranean environmentKyratzis, Angelos C. ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios ; Menexes, George ; Vamvakousis, Vasilis ; Katsiotis, Andreas 
902021Assessment of water-induced soil erosion as a threat to cultural heritage sites: the case of Chania prefecture, Crete Island, GreecePolykretis, Christos ; Alexakis, Dimitrios D. ; Grillakis, Manolis G. ; Agapiou, Athos ; Cuca, Branka ; Papadopoulos, Nikos ; Sarris, Apostolos 
91Μαΐ-2019Assessment οf the Empirical Line using Pseudο-Invariant Targets atmοspheric cοrrectiοn methοd fοr Sentinel-2 Remοte Sensing DataTselepis, Stavrοs 
92Σεπ-2021Association of Intima-Media Texture With Prevalence of Clinical Cardiovascular DiseaseLoizou, Christos P. ; Kyriacou, Efthyvoulos C. ; Griffin, Maura B. ; Nicolaides, Andrew N. ; Pattichis, Constantinos S. 
937-Ιου-2017Asymmetric deep generative modelsPartaourides, Charalampos ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. 
94Ιου-2009Asymptotic homogenization model for 3D grid-reinforced composite structures with generally orthotropic reinforcementsKalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Hassan, Essmat M. ; Savi, Marcelo Amorim ; Georgiades, Tasos 
95Ιου-2009An asymptotic homogenization model for smart 3D grid-reinforced composite structures with generally orthotropic constituentsHassan, Essmat M. ; Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Georgiades, Tasos 
96Ιου-2010Asymptotic homogenization modeling of smart composite generally orthotropic grid-reinforced shells: part i - theoryChallagulla, Krishna S. ; Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Georgiades, Tasos 
97Ιου-2010Asymptotic homogenization modeling of smart composite generally orthotropic grid-reinforced shells: part II- applicationsChallagulla, Krishna S. ; Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Georgiades, Tasos 
981-Ιαν-2022Asymptotic homogenization of flexoelectric composite plates with periodically varying thicknessKalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Hadjiloizi, Demetra A. ; Weaver, Paul M. ; Georgiades, Tasos 
99Οκτ-2021Asymptotic homogenization of magnetoelectric reinforced shells: Effective coefficients and influence of shell curvatureChristofi, I. ; Hadjiloizi, Demetra ; Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Georgiades, Tasos 
100Φεβ-2016Asynchronous UKF-based localization of an underwater robotic vehicle for aquaculture inspection operationsPotyagaylo, Svetlana ; Constantinou, Christos C. ; Georgiades, George P. ; Loizou, Savvas