Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Organization name
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Parent OrgUnit
Our Faculty consists of three Departments: Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering and Informatics, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering, and Civil Engineering and Geomatics. All three Departments cover areas that are on the cutting edge of technology and formed the basis for the establishment of our University. These three Departments, within the few years of operation of our University, managed to attract significant amounts of research funding and to participate in competitive calls both in Cyprus and abroad. In addition, the Faculty Departments have demonstrated remarkable educational work both in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes both at the Master as well as at the doctoral level. During the current academic year seven Master level programs are offered in three Departments of the Faculty.
OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)
- 1582 Article
- 1252 Conference Papers
- 645 Bachelors Thesis
- 170 MSc Thesis
- 141 Book Chapter
- 60 PhD Thesis
- 51 Report
- 21 Book
- 14 Presentation
- 13 Data
- επόμενο >
Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης
- 1301 2020 - 2027
- 2476 2010 - 2019
- 204 2000 - 2009
- 63 Renewable Energy
- 51 Remote Sensing
- 28 Energy
- 22 Energies
- 18 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
- 18 Proceedings of SPIE - The international society for optical engineering
- 17 The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery
- 14 Applied Energy
- 13 Journal of Lightwave Technology
- 13 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
- επόμενο >
Πλήρες Κείμενο
- 2123 No Fulltext
- 1858 With Fulltext
Αποτελέσματα για 201-220 από 3981.