Issue Date Title Author(s) 321 2022 Planning and Managing Sustainability in Tourism: Empirical Studies, Best-practice Cases and Theoretical Insights
322 1-Sep-2022 Phytochemistry of olive-leaf extracts and medical properties Goulas, Vlasios
323 Jan-2014 Photography and Cyprus: Time, Place & Identity Stylianou-Lambert, Theopisti
324 4-Apr-2016 Photocatalytic degradation of organic contaminants in water: Process optimization and degradation pathways Antoniou, Maria G. ; Zhao, Cen ; O'Shea, Kevin E. ; Zhang, Geshan ; Dionysiou, Dionysios D. ; Zhao, Chun ; Han, Changseok ; Nadagouda, Mallikarjuna N. ; Choi, Hyeok ; Fotiou, Theodora ; Triantis, Theodoros M. ; Hiskia, Anastasia
325 1-Nov-2020 Philosophies of Hospitality and Tourism: Giving and Receiving Christou, Prokopis A.
326 2019 Persuasive Technology : 14th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2019 Limassol, Cyprus, April 9–11, 2019 Adjunct Proceedings Kyza, Eleni A. ; Karppinen, Pasi ; Karapanos, Evangelos ; Win, Khin Than ; Oinas-Kukkonen, Harri
327 5-Jan-2021 Personalising the technological experience Charalambous, Andreas
328 2021 Perceiving Landscape(s) Panayides, Omiros
329 2022 Peer-to-Peer Accommodation in Europe: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities Farmaki, Anna ; Miguel, Cristina
330 18-Mar-2022 Peer-to-peer Accommodation and Community Resilience: Implications for Sustainable Development
331 30-Jun-2023 Peach: An introduction Manganaris, George A. ; Sansavini, Silviero ; Gradziel, Tom M. ; Bassi, Daniele ; Crisosto, Carlos H.
332 30-Jun-2023 The peach canning industry Manganaris, George A. ; Gradziel, Thomas M. ; Christofi, Marina ; Crisosto, Carlos H.
333 2020 Peach and Nectarine Crisosto, Carlos H. ; Echeverría, Gemma ; Manganaris, George A.
334 30-Jun-2023 Peach Manganaris, George A. ; Costa, Guglielmo ; Crisosto, Carlos H.
335 2022 Peace, conflict, tourism and other things in between Farmaki, Anna
336 2022 Peace and Tourism Farmaki, Anna
337 Nov-2017 Pax troikana: the U.K. media and the symbolic conflicts of the Cypriot ‘rescue’ programme Airaghi, Giulia ; Avraamidou, Maria
338 2021 Pathological language-switching/mixing and its relationship to domain-general cognitive control Fyndanis, Valantis ; Lehtonen, Minna
339 2012 Participatory design of web-based learning environments to motivate Cypriot students’ science learning. Hadjichambis, Andreas Ch. ; Lympouridou, Chrystalla ; Tsierkezou-Georgiou, Maria ; Kyza, Eleni A. ; Georgiou, Yiannis
340 2018 Participatory design and the learning sciences Gomez, Kimberley ; Kyza, Eleni A. ; Mancevice, Nicole