Journals Environmental Management

Environmental Management
Natural resources
Protection of habitats
Control of hazards
Protection of habitats
Control of hazards
Environmental Management publishes research and opinions on the use and conservation of natural resources, protection of habitats, and control of hazards spanning the field of environmental management without regard to traditional disciplinary boundaries.
Contributions are drawn from biology, botany, chemistry, climatology, ecology, ecological economics, environmental engineering, environmental law, fisheries, , forest sciences, geosciences, information science, public affairs, public health, sustainability sciences, toxicology, zoology, and a variety of other disciplines, often in combinations determined by interdisciplinary study. The journal serves to improve cross-disciplinary communication, and to make ideas and results from any one field available to researchers and environmental practitioners from other backgrounds.
Contributions are drawn from biology, botany, chemistry, climatology, ecology, ecological economics, environmental engineering, environmental law, fisheries, , forest sciences, geosciences, information science, public affairs, public health, sustainability sciences, toxicology, zoology, and a variety of other disciplines, often in combinations determined by interdisciplinary study. The journal serves to improve cross-disciplinary communication, and to make ideas and results from any one field available to researchers and environmental practitioners from other backgrounds.
Impact Factor (2 years)
Springer Nature
Journal Webpage
Journal type
Hybrid Journal
Journals Publications
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