Journals Global Strategy Journal

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Global Strategy Journal
International and Global Strategy
Assembling the Global Enterprise
Strategic Management of the Global Enterprise
Global Strategy and Inter-Organizational Networks
Performance and Global Strategy
Global Strategy and the Global Business Environment
Strategy and Location
Comparative Strategies
Global Innovation and Knowledge Strategies
Global Strategy and Emerging Economies
Global Strategy Journal is the leading journal for global strategic management research and a top tier scholarly journal in management. The domain of the journal is the study of the interaction between the global context of organizations and their strategies and strategic management. Global strategy and GSJ are about strategy in context; about the boundary and moderating influences of place in the array of nations on strategy and strategic management. By strategy we mean the analysis of decisions and actions that enable an organization to achieve its objectives and improve its success. By organizations we mean not only for-profit multinational enterprises, but also small-and-medium-sized firms as well as non-governmental organizations and supra-national entities. By global context we mean not only activities that take place in multiple countries or cross national borders, but also activities in single countries that differentiate multinational and local organizations or that test or develop concepts in global strategy or management and comparisons of activities across countries and comparisons of organizations that originate in different countries.
Impact Factor (2 years)
Journal type
Hybrid Journal

Journals Publications

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Ημερομηνία ΈκδοσηςΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέας
12021International diversification, legitimacy, and corporate social performance of extractive industry multinationalsWilliamson, Peter J. ; Symeou, Pavlos C. ; Zyglidopoulos, Stelios