Journals International Studies Quarterly

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International Studies Quarterly
International studies
International theory
International Studies Quarterly (ISQ) is the flagship journal of the International Studies Association (ISA). It seeks to publish leading scholarship that engages with significant theoretical, empirical, and normative subjects in international studies. Articles published in ISQ engage in some meaningful way with political, economic, social, or cultural processes that cross the borders of states. They provide answers to explanatory puzzles, present original research, explore topics in international theory, or otherwise intervene in disciplinary debates. Although such articles often have policy implications—and we encourage authors to elucidate those—these implications are secondary to their scholarly purposes.
Impact Factor (2 years)
Oxford University Press
Journal type
Hybrid Journal

Journals Publications

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Mar-2009Gender and Negotiation: Some Experimental Findings from an International Negotiation SimulationBoyer, Mark A. ; Urlacher, Brian ; Hudson, Natalie Florea ; Niv-Solomon, Anat ; Janik, Laura L. ; Butler, Michael J. ; Brown, Scott W. ; Ioannou, Andri