Journals Materials Science and Engineering: A

Materials Science and Engineering: A

Journals Publications

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
19-Sep-2019High strain rate behaviour of nano-quasicrystalline Al93Fe3Cr2Ti2 alloy and compositesPedrazzini, Stella ; Galano, Marina L. ; Audebert, Fernando E. ; Siegkas, Petros ; Gerlach, Robert ; Tagarielli, Vito L. ; Smith, George D.W. 
2Aug-2008Quantifying deformation and energy dissipation of polymeric surfaces under localized impactConstantinides, Georgios ; Tweedie, Catherine A. ; Holbrook, Doria M. ; Barragan, Patrick ; Smith, James F. ; Vliet, Krystyn J. Van 
325-Aug-2006Grid indentation analysis of composite microstructure and mechanics: principles and validationConstantinides, Georgios ; Ravichandran, K. S R ; Ulm, Franz Josef